

Dániel Apponyi dr. jur. LL.M.

He completed his legal studies at ELTE University, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences. He got a degree in Economics from Corvinus University of Budapest. He completed post graduate studies with Competition Law specialization at Deák Ferenc Institute of Pázmány Péter University, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences.

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Attila Koppány, dr. jur.

Attila studied at the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences of Károli Gáspár University of the Hungarian Reformed Church, where he graduated in 2012. During his years at the university he went to the University of Abertay Dundee in Scotland where he received a diploma in European business law.

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 Junior Associates

Gergő Takács dr. jur.

Gergő Takács dr. jur. junior associate graduated from University of Szeged Faculty of Law in 2017. He was active member of Pro Jure Association for the Law Students in Szeged at the university.

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